August 6, 2018

Characteristics of the Oriental Shorthair

If you love Siamese cats, then you'll probably adore Oriental Shorthair cats just as much! These amazing kitties are sized and shaped like their close cousins, but they display an incredible variety of colors and patterns.

Not only is The Oriental Shorthair a visually stunning cat, members of this breed tend to be exceptionally friendly and outgoing, with a fondness for nearly everyone they meet including other felines and even well-behaved dogs. The more friends, the better – in fact, while some breeds prefer solitary life, Oriental Shorthair cats enjoy living in groups!

These amazing kitties are well-suited to most families, but they do require lots of attention. Oriental Shorthair cats are highly social, and they can become depressed if left alone too often. The good news is that furry companions stave off loneliness in this breed just as well as human family members, so those who must often spend more time away at work than at home can enjoy sharing life with one of these delightful cats so long as there's a compatible pet in the home.


Oriental Shorthair cats range between 5 and 12 pounds, with males slightly on the heavier side. You might look at an Oriental Shorthair and think they are much bigger than they are, but that’s due to their height.


Oriental Shorthairs can stand between 9 and 11 inches tall. Their long limbs award them additional height, giving the illusion that they are a large-sized cat breed. From the tip of their tails to their nose, they are usually around 18 inches long.

So, although they are tall and long cats, you might be surprised by their light weight when you pick them up!


The Oriental Shorthair’s coat is another feature that helps them stand out. They are called the “Rainbow Cat” because they can be born with up to 300 color combinations.

From lilac to ebony, from lavender to sable, from chocolate, white, blue, cream, red, brown, frost, platinum, fawn, chestnut, cinnamon, to champagne—this short hair cat has no rules when it comes to its coat’s appearance. Solid colors, parti-colors, bicolor with green or blue eyes… This cat is the cat’s meow!

Additional patterns that the Oriental Shorthair can display include calico, tabby, tortie, and more. If you want a cat that is going to be unique from their siblings, this is the one for you. You could guess what combination of color and pattern your cat’s litter would be, and you’d be unlikely to guess one correctly; there are just too many options!


The eyes are medium size, with an almond shape. They slant towards those following the lines of the head and ears. Many Oriental Shorthair cats have green eyes rather than blue.

Legs & Paws

The Oriental Shorthair cat should have long, slim legs. The hind legs should be longer than the forelegs. The paws should be dainty and small, with an oval shape.


The tail should be long and thin, tapering to a fine point at the end.


The body is long, slim, and tube shaped. Oriental Shorthair cats should display sleek muscles and present an athletic appearance.


The head is triangular, with an elongated profile. The muzzle is wedge-shaped, while the nose is long and straight.


The Oriental Shorthair cat has very large ears that continue the lines of the head. The ears’ bases should be exceptionally wide and their tips should be finely pointed.

Life expectancy

With proper care, nutrition, and exercise, your Oriental Shorthair can live a long and happy life. Their lifespan is typically between 10 and 15 years.

Your cat relies on you to give them the best quality care, and if you do, they can reward you with years of companionship.

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