August 10, 2018

Oriental Shorthair Care

Caring for an Oriental shorthair is not complicated. Though these cats need a lot of attention when it comes to exercise, they are easy when it comes to grooming.


The Oriental's short, silky coat is low-maintenance, and this cat does an excellent job of self-grooming. However, your cat might appreciate an occasional brushing to remove any loose hair and stimulate the skin.

Regular ear checks are important to ensure they are clean and don’t have a buildup of dirt, excess wax, or signs of infection. You can gently clean the ears weekly using a damp washcloth. At-home dental cleanings can be done with a cat-specific toothpaste and toothbrush at least a few times a week, if not daily. Also, use a high-quality nail clipper for nail trims to keep your cat well-groomed.


Oriental shorthairs thrive on interactive stimulation and enjoy learning skills such as walking on a harness, performing tricks, and playing fetch. These cats are considered to be very interactive and enjoy playing with human family members or other cats or even dogs. It’s often recommended that you make sure your Oriental has a furry companion.

Orientals love leaping and climbing to high vantage points—like refrigerators or cabinets—to keep an eye on activities down below. You can encourage safe (and potentially less destructive) climbing by providing a tall cat tree with lots of levels for active play.

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